Mac Users sometimes have issues installing Weka.

You will want to run it with the console. As of Fall 2020 that version is 3.8.4.Once it is downloaded, you just double click on the program to launch it(if it does not create an icon automatically, go to the list of programsand start it that way. Iffor some reason that link is broken, just type in 'WEKA' to Googleand the WEKA home page should be listed first in the results.You should download the latest stable version of WEKA. You can download the latest version of WEKA to your laptop (or linux machine)via theWEKA web page. However, it is probably moreconvenient to run it on your laptop for the assignments and project, so youmay want to download it to you personal machine. Downloading and Invoking WEKAYou may run WEKA on the department's lab machines. For more information, check out theWEKA web page. It alsoreimplements many classic data mining algorithms, including C4.5 which iscalled J48 in WEKA.
#Weka for mac free download code
If you want to be able to changethe source code for the algorithms, WEKA is a good tool to use. WEKA Instructions Overview WEKA is a data mining suite that is open source and is availablefree of charge. My version is 3.8 which is the latest stable version (March, 2018). I downloaded the 64-bit windows that includes Oracle's 64-bit Java VM 1.8. Go to WEKA homepage and download the version that you want. Once this is done, follow the steps to complete the installation and WEKA is ready to be used. Select the operating system and click on download. WEKA can be used in Linux, Windows or Mac operating systems and you can download this from the official website here.